The Toolkit 11.1.0 release (Build moves toward using PDFTron technology.
Software Requirements
The following software is required to successfully use Toolkit and Toolkit Ultimate.
Operating Systems Supported
- Windows Server® 2012 R2, 2016, or 2019
- Microsoft Windows® 10
Additional Software
- Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.5 or higher is required to use Toolkit's .NET component
- Visual Studio C++ 2015 Redistributable
Note: If you are installing an ActivePDF product on a Windows 2012 R2 server, you need to download and install two Microsoft updates for Windows 2012 R2 servers. These updates resolve issues with the Microsoft Visual 2015 C++ Redistributable Runtime Components. For links and step-by-step instructions, see this ActivePDF Knowledge Base article: Installing Toolkit on Windows 2012 Servers.
Hardware Requirements
The minimum hardware requirements for Toolkit are:
Server and desktop
- 125 MB of RAM
- 100 MB of hard disk space (for application)
New Features and Enhancements
Toolkit Release 11.1.0 is the start of a new, dynamic Toolkit. Beginning in this release, Toolkit moves toward using PDFTron technology, which means faster processing times and better performance.
What's in Toolkit 11.1.0
- Form Field Creation and Filling
- Merging and Copying
- Stamp Text and Images
- Stitching
- Bookmark Management
- Digital Signatures
- PDF Security
- Image To PDF conversion
- Basic Compression
Toolkit 11.1.0 Changes
Other changes to this release include:
- OpenOutputFile changed: OpenOutFile now requires users to manually create a new page when opening the output file. See OpenOutputFile for instructions. See OpenOutputFile for instructions.
- PrintText updated: Updates were made to pgnr, and font and size were added. See PrintText.
- SetPDFCompression available: The SetPDFCompression method is no longer deprecated and can be used in this release (for compressing text only).
Features not in Toolkit 11.1.0, but may be considered in future releases:
- Annotations
- Flash
- Barcode
- Metadata Management
- Enhanced Compression
- Data Extraction
- Redaction
- Text To PDF Conversion
- PDF To Image Conversion
- Word to PDF Conversion
- PDF/A Support
Although the documentation is available for these objects, the objects themselves are not connected, and will not work. For more information, contact the ActivePDF Support team.
Important Note: If you have an existing Toolkit installation and are using the objects listed above, do not upgrade to Toolkit 11.1.0. You will lose access to the these objects.
Installation and API information is available in the Toolkit API Reference Guide.
Legacy Documentation
Documentation for all prior releases is available on the Toolkit Legacy Documentation page.
To download the Toolkit and Toolkit Ultimate examples, visit the GitHub ActivePDF page.
Toolkit Installer
Use the following links to download the ActivePDF Toolkit or Toolkit Ultimate installers.
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